Private Sessions: In Person or Virtual

Work One on One with Karen

Feel Better BE Better 
Private Trauma Recovery Sessions 

“Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.” 2 Cor. 3:17 

My passion and training is to help my students heal from trauma and traumatic stress by applying nervous system regulating practices of Mindfulness, Somatic Awareness, Breathing Techniques, Mindful Movement and Meditation in a Christ-centered atmosphere.

Our nervous systems have been responding  to stress, suffering, chaos and overwhelm from the moment we are born. Years and years of flight, fight, freeze responses can leave us “stuck” and  feeling unsafe in the body we occupy.  

As Dr. Peter Levine, nervous system expert and the founder of Somatic Experiencing, says , “No amount of talking can help you FEEL safe.  We feel in the body. Because we feel in the body, I guide my students into experiencing what safety and comfort feels like, not just understanding  in the mind you are safe or believing  in your heart you have Peace, but experience a felt sense of comfort,  safety and Freedom in your body.  

I lead students to explore a mind, body and spirit healing technique of experiencing a felt-sense of God’s Word and Promises in the body.
A transformative experience I call “Embodied Truth.”
“We know in our minds, believe in our hearts and feel in the body.”

I can teach you stress reduction strategies so you feel better, but I believe God has so much more for trauma survivors. He has healing. Healing for your nervous system so you don’t just feel better, but actually Be Better.

 We heal trauma by healing or regulating a dysregulated nervous system.

I will guide you with the compassion and understanding of a trauma survivor ; the Wisdom and Truth from the Holy Spirit; and with the training and experience of a professional to help heal your nervous system you don’t just feel better, but truly Be Better.    

My job is to help you, your nervous system, 
feel stable and safe.

“Feel Safe to Feel”
 I will lead you through mindful, prayerful, 
body-based practices to experience what security and safety - Freedom – feels like.  

Work with me One-on-One 

(Virtual or in Person)

Onboarding Process and First Session - $235

Two Hour Private Sessions, Online or In- Person  - $180 

75 Minute Online or In- Person Session - $115 

Contact me for a Free 30 minute phone or video consultation. 

Karen Penfold

Karen has personal experience with post-trauma stress, loss, and grief. Karen also has personal experiences with Healing and Hope. Through this journey, she discovered her passion to help others heal from trauma. She is a 10-year, two-time breast cancer and trauma survivor. Karen was introduced to yoga while recovering from breast cancer surgeries and treatments as well as a broken pelvis from a car accident. She credits much of her healing – in body, mind, and spirit – to the somatic, mindful, and spiritual practice of Christ-centered yoga.

75 Minute Online Session

$115 USD

  • Online

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Onboarding Process and First Session

$235 USD

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Two Hour Private Sessions

$180 USD

  • In person or online

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